Sources and Methods #16: Aaron Zelin


Aaron Zelin 101:

Jihadology (site / twitter

Aaron Zelin (site / twitter)

Aaron @ The Washington Institute

Show Notes:

2:40 - Twitter is probably the most important headquarters in many ways for releases for most of the Sunni jihadi organizations.”

3:10 - The hope was to create a website that would be useful to other graduate students. I never thought it would be as a big or as popular as it has become. Now it’s not just graduate students looking at it, but that was the initial point of it.”

7:55  - For me, it’s about being able to better educate people in terms of seeing the full spectrum of what’s going on. In some ways, the website came about at a monumental change in the evolution of how these groups were acting and evolving, especially in 2011, 2012 and 2013 where it went from not just these pure terrorist or insurgent organizations but you really started to see a multitude of groups using social services and low level governance types of activities. And when you usually hear about these groups, at least in the media and the news and a lot of times many people talking about it in terms of military sensibilities – at least for me, as someone who doesn’t have a background in military or strategic studies but more as an area studies type of nerd, I’m more interested in the social, political, historical or religious language type of issues. I thought it was important to highlight this broader spectrum of activities that these organizations were doing because I think it can better help why there is the appeal for these groups more so now than in the past.

9:45 - Thomas Hegghammer

14:00 - Jurgen Todenhofer

15:03 - (on making sense of the information from a variety of groups) I think it’s important to look at what all the different factions are putting out, and figure out where they all line out together. From there, you can see which seems more credible and relevant...because you’re looking at it over time, over months and over years, you can sort of see the track record of these groups...and have a good idea of what is deemed credible based off of your own experience. So part of it is just doing this over time, and being able to really know these types of sources.

18:35 - (on refuting the allegation that you’re supporting these groups or acts by hosting their material) I think it’s becoming more of an issue because more individuals are aware of this than they were in the past and it seems more immediate. When I started the site, I was worried about enabling people...I definitely do worry. But I try not to censor it because I think it’s important to see what’s going on, but there are some cases where I won't post things when I know there’s a video (for example) that the group is trying to use to get attention...because I don’t want to be part of broadening these message.

33:33 - Dan Drezner

People he follows for news:

J.M. Berger

Phillip Smyth

Brian Fishman

Will McCants

43:07 - My approach isn’t all that technical. It’s really just a lot of files on my computer. Sometimes it’s by group or by specific countries, or media outlets, or individuals. And I save content into them on a daily basis. Even if I’m not doing research on that topic at that particular moment, I still save it and archive it so that if I wanted to go back and look at it, I’ll have it there.

46:47 - I started studying Arabic my freshman year of college, and really just did it because it seemed interesting… it was more my own curiosity at the time. But as I did my master’s degree and began researching, I began seeing the value of it and I think that’s part of the reason I was able to get my job at such a relatively young age, but also to get people to notice and respect my work. I would say that’s one of the single most important aspects. Hard work is important, but having that skill on top of that is crucial.

51:03 - Cole Bunzel

52:15 - (on learning languages) I’d recommend starting to learn as soon as possible. And then I would highly recommend studying abroad as well, so you can learn a dialect and really get a feel for the culture and the people on the ground.

52:40 - Middlebury’s Arabic Program

55:50 - Thomas Erdbrink’s Stories on Iran

Sources and Methods #15: Andrew Abbott


Andrew Abbott 101:

Personal website

Book: Digital Paper: A Manual for Research and Writing with Library and Internet Materials

Speech: The Aims of Education Address (for the class of 2006 at the University of Chicago)

Show Notes:

“You may have heard from some people that there’s a revolution in research and that it is easier than ever before. I don’t need to tell you that this is nonsense. You know from firsthand experience that research is confusing and daunting, as indeed it has always been. We are no closer to revolutionary improvement in library-based and “found data” knowledge than we were thirty years ago—more likely the reverse. The new tools in fact make it harder than ever for students to learn the disciplines of research, mainly through sheer overload.” - From Digital Paper

6:15 - My students [at the University of Chicago] today are completely overwhelmed by the amount of stuff that’s available to them on the internet, and they’re particularly overwhelmed because they don’t have any clues about how to make judgements of quality.

9:52 - Students come into the world thinking that the internet is the model of knowledge - whereas for my generation, students came into the world prepared by print. Of course we read plenty of junk print, don’t get me wrong. But we had a notion that when it’s a serious paper, we go to the library and start looking in indexes. Students today don’t have that - they have the internet. Students generally have very little idea of how to find things systematically and moreover they don’t know how to find high quality stuff.

12:50 - What is going to happen to libraries is that these buildings will be repurposed, the same way most churches are being repurposed these days. That’s because administrators have space problems, and they see the library as a waste of space. That’s what’s going to happen - not at the top of the research system, but throughout the system.

The stunning William Rainey Harper Memorial Library at the University of Chicago

17:56 - We’re definitely at a ‘use it or lose it moment’ for libraries. Teachers need to start teaching their students how to use libraries, or they’ll simply be taken away.

20:11 - Reading itself is clearly in rapid decline, both among my students and in fact my colleagues. You can see this by looking at page number citations. I proved this by looking at Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions and showed that when the book first came out, about 17% of the references to it had page numbers - so not just Kuhn 1970, but Kuhn 1970, page 26. Now that number is down to 2%, and what’s clear is that the vast majority of people citing Kuhn have probably never read the book.

22:05 - We’re moving to a point where everyone in the world thinks everything can be abstracted... This notion that you can get to ‘the point’ and extract ‘the point’ has become central to people’s thinking about how knowledge works. Well, that isn’t the way knowledge works, and we’re actually in a bigger crisis about this, than about libraries. The bigger problem is that students coming up don’t actually know what knowledge is. They only know what the internet is. And the experiential message of the internet is that everything has an address somewhere, you just need to find it, you just need an address. Of course, that’s not what knowledge is. Knowing is not knowing a web address. It’s assembling things, it’s making new things in your own head. The internet only teaches you to find things.

23:57 - Take the example of Hobbes. I ask students to write a paper on Hobbes. They read the three or ten chapters of Hobbes, they underline the sentences they think were the important ones, and then they put those in a list or a file, and they say ‘Hobbes said so and so’ and they write a bit about that, and then they say ‘Hobbes also said this’ and write about that. It’s bizarre. They have no idea they need to comprehend Hobbes’s argument, and then respond to the argument, not to the bits from which it’s made. But if you ask them to summarize Hobbes’s arguments, they’ll present you with lists of bullet points, because they’ve been taught in classes that Hobbes can be presented as bullet points. So in many ways the teachers are to blame, but the whole concept of knowledge as it was understood by the mid-20th century is just under very serious attack right now. And it’s hard to see how that’s going to be changed much.

31: 09 - But the question is - do we actually have judgements of what is better knowledge? So I decided to research that a few years ago, and I look at complaints of the Research Assessment Exercise in Great Britain. And I looked into problems in the RAE. And they asked in their questions ‘what is excellent research?’ and I read all of those responses.

Link to abstract of Dr. Abbott’s paper on the results of this research here, summarized below.

33:07 - So, it turns out we know only three things about excellent research. The first is that you can’t measure it. The only people who believe it can be measured are the statisticians, not surprisingly. Second thing is that nobody can recognize it except for us, ie the discipline. The public doesn’t know, we know. The third thing is that it’s new. That’s it. Excellent research, then according to these academics, is something that can’t be measured, that we recognize, that’s new. That’s the grand total of what people told the RAE board about what excellence in research is. That’s pretty bad, we need to come up with some better definitions. I’ve been trying to come up with these, particularly in disciplines that are not cumulative - mainly the social sciences.

47:07 - The problem with student approaches to the world today is that they don’t think they need to know a lot. They don’t believe in memorization. You don’t need to memorize the entire Bible - but you do need to know the important names because then, if you’re reading it, the entire page will ‘turn blue’ like hyperlinks. You won’t necessarily know what’s on the other end of the hyperlink, but you’ll know it’s a hyperlink to something. So the point is - in order to browse, you have to have a fair amount of stuff in your head already. Students gradually discover this over projects, as they get more stuff in their head. Browsing is a casualty mainly because students don’t realize that one of the things you have to do early on in a project is a fair amount of background reading and a lot of memorization to just kind of get the stuff into your head, so that as you read, you’ll recognize important things. This is just a basic part of associative thinking.

49:08 - Early on in a project, you need to start memorizing. You need contextual knowledge for a project. And importantly, it provides a canon. And this is a way of solving an overload problem. Canon’s aren’t about excluding anybody, they are about solving a problem of ‘too-muchness.’ Actual disciplinary canons are not so much about coming people out of our discipline, but more that so we can all have something to talk about, that provides a common language.

55:01 - Second, simplification helps fight overload. Wikipedia seems new, but we’ve actually had books around like that for hundreds of years. Simplification helps the task of knowledge. You have to think of memorization in the context of the problem of overload, this huge problem that we all face all the time, and has been true essentially since the existence of the book.

57:01 - Writing is suffering, and part of the reason is the amount of writing people do. Important to remember that historically, the notion that everyone who reads works carefully - the notion that that person is always going to write something is not there. Many PhDs in the US through the mid-20th century published only one or two papers. I’m sure if you looked at the Oxford dons of the early 20th century you’d discover they didn’t write much - they spent all their time teaching and giving lectures in the schools.

Nowadays we have these beancounters running everything so everyone is writing everything, including graduate students who certainly have nothing or not much to say, so much of the emphasis on writing is purposeless, and exists mainly for personal advancement, which is a whole separate issue.

1:02:15 - If you go to any web development site, it will tell you that the level of language to use on a website is optimized at about sixth grade, or the age you would be at at 12 or 13. So internet sites tend to use really dumb language, and it’s dumb writing. And this is what students are contacting day and day again. And the rest of it is student blogs and posts, much of it flatulent. So students, even those with a great deal of training, have simply not contacted as much good prose. Generally, the best students I have have generally limited access to excellent prose. And you write what you read. So when I start teaching writing, I have students read a lot of different stuff, to expose them.

1:08:31 - Students of mine have enjoyed the exercise of developing a controlled vocabulary. And by doing that at the start of a project, you avoid the panic at the end of a project of wondering how you can keep your work well defined and logical, so at the end you don’t have to magically figure out how to put it all together.

1:15:20 - Deep down, I myself have never been much interested in applied knowledge. The modern social system is so productive in terms of its ability to generate useful, wonderful things that enable people to have good lives, that this society could afford to have huge proportions of its members dedicate large portions of their lives to research that has no practical implications whatsoever. We have an absolutely wonderful system and there’s no need for any of us to work as hard as we do. So we ought to be able to afford a huge amount of knowledge for its own sake. But obviously we don’t have that.

1:28:03 - What is the future of knowledge? It’s what we make it. It’s not out there to be discovered by some predictive algorithm. It’s out there for us to find it.

Sources and Methods #14: Gregory Johnsen

Johnsen%2c Gregory D credit Jeff Taylor-1-3.jpg

Gregory Johnsen 101:

Gregory on Twitter

Gregory on Buzzfeed

Gregory's book

Waq al-Waq

Show Notes:

3:39 -I’ve had the idea of writing the book since 2002, and the book wasn’t finished until 2012, so it’s been a 10 year process and the last four of those are writing… I had to throw

4:31 - One of the things that’s really benefited me is reading people who are much better writers than myself. I really love Lawrence Wright’s book The Looming Tower, which is on Al-Qaeda and the leadup to 9/11. And I think he does an excellent job of telling a very complicated story in a way that’s very readable, and it has narrative, and it has drama.

5:01 - When I first started writing, I was obsessed with sentences, with making really beautiful sentences. And then I started going back and looking at books I really enjoyed and found that the sentences were often very simple, but that the narrative as a whole just sort of carried you along.

5:50 - Something that keeps people reading that page, it’s what I try to do.

6:40 - I’m trained as a historian, not a journalist or a writer....But I don’t tend to enjoy most of the academic writing that I read. It seems almost designed to keep people out - the language that’s used, the theories discussed, the sentence structure…. the academy does not reward readability.

10:22 - Yemen: Travels in Dictionary Land is one of my favorite books, and my favorite book on Yemen.

14:55 - Junior year in college, I studied at the American University of Cairo.

15:34 - [On having someone to review your work] Any time you have an audience that you know particularly well, and an audience that knows writing structure and writing form, you can see yourself progress over the years

17:45 - Yemen is a very small country, so the longer you go there, the more people you meet, and eventually you start to meet people who know different things. It’s also a country that’s built on personal relationships, so the longer I spent there, the more people came to see me as I grew in my understanding of the culture and history and language… At one point, I’d been chewing qat with a guy for six months, seven months… and one day out of the blue, he’s like ‘hey, you know, my family has all these old records from the Ottoman period in Yemen that if you ever want to take a look at you can just swing by the house and we’d show you all these things.’ And that’s sort of how things in Yemen work, once people trust you.

19:04 - One of the things that also helped was the amount of stuff that Al Qaeda itself published. They would publish these ‘martyr biographies’ that would go into incredible details about this person’s life… all of these things were really sort of excellent resources for me as I’m going through this material...obviously you have to be careful with how you handle this kind of material, but they aren’t the only source, so you can do a lot of triangulation. And there are also Yemeni journalists that sit down with Al Qaeda, and I was able to know these [Yemeni journalists] who were welcome and gracious… I couldn’t have written the book without the help of all of these Yemenis who were just so incredibly giving.

22:40 - Fieldwork is essential.

22:50 - The American Institute of Yemeni Studies

29:44 - I scribble things on scraps of paper that then end up in Ziplock bags, which is as disorganized as it sounds… and then I use Microsoft Word, and I sit down and write.

31:46 - I don’t typically do a lot of outlining, but I do do a lot of re-writing… I’ll be at my desk by 9am and just write until - well, I know myself well enough by now to know the point at which I’m not going to get any more productive work done, and that’s usually around 4pm or so, and then I go for a run, and then the day is over… The next day, I typically read back through everything that I have, and as I read back through it I tend to find places that just don’t work… and then I spend time fixing those.

37:38 - Buzzfeed is one of the few media organizations I’m aware of that would fund something like [his fellowship] to the degree that they did and give me the flexibility and the freedom - things that I really value.

39:50 - Gregory’s great story about one sentence: 60 Words and A War Without End

50:57 - I could not have written the book that I did without Arabic [language abilities].

Greg’s Books:

Haruki Murakami - Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World

Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail ‘72 by Hunter S. Thompson

Matt’s Book: The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula Le Guin

Greg’s Film: It’s a Wonderful Life

Alex’s Book: Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenges and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet’s Legacy by Jonathon A. C. Brown

Greg’s Music: Shostakovich’s Eleventh Symphony: