Sources and Methods #7: Ernesto Ramirez


Show Notes:

Quantified Self - wikipedia

Quantified Self (Official Site)

Ernesto Ramirez (Twitter)


Alex’s pick: - Great way to listen to authors talk about new books, new podcasts regularly on a wide variety of subjects.

Matt’s pick: The Ice Balloon by Alec Wilkinson

6:24 - Alex: Quantified Self is interesting for those who may want to use data for self-improvement.

7:35 - Ernesto on QS: The act of collecting information - data - about your individuality, about yourself, whether that’s your health, your activity, your mood, all the things that make up who you are in the world.

People have been doing this forever. Benjamin Franklin’s 13 Virtues is just one example. But I think why this has come to the fore recently over the last five or six years is the increasing ease of collection, and an increasing ease of analysis. This is why there is a thing called Quantified Self.

10:50 - The technology is really what’s driving this forward - there are more and more technologies that are allowing us to gather information about ourselves that a) we were never able to gather before and b) we’re able to gather it much more easily.

11:33 - As these technological changes have come along, there’s been an increasing focus in the individuality of human nature and that - what works for me, may not work for you.

13:15 - The Human Genome Project

14:51 - What we’ve found is that individual stories actually can inspire lots of other people.

17:21 - Rescuetime - an app for time management. Lift - an app for hitting your daily goals.  

19:51 - I collect data in the hope that I can use it in the future to help me answer questions I may have. It can help you develop a rich autobiographical narrative as this data is continually collected.

25:23 - Ernesto’s recommendations to start QS in your life:

  1. Make sure the system you choose to record this data lets you access the data it collects

  2. Start with simple things - simple data visualizations can tell you great stories. Start with scatterplots.

  3. Share your observations with others - you’ll come up with new ways to look at this information

29:50 - Alex: What I like is that in this data, in these visualizations - there’s always a story embedded in that, as to why things happened the way they did.

31:42 - Right now, it’s all about data aggregation, about pulling it all together. But there are a few people working on how to create a subjective context that you need to have to make those more datasets more understood, more useful.

33:01 - Basis Watch that tracks exercise and sleeping in particular.

34:56 - Different companies take different approaches - Jawbone is trying to create automatic insights into your data that they can push to you in the form of simple correlations. Or Basis, which is more focused on helping you develop a stronger habits.

40:10 - Gary Wolf, co-founder of Quantified Self: Ted Talk

42:55 - What would be great would be to see a highly interactive computer system with these data systems that humans could work with, to really start to make this very useful.

44:18 - What people do most often with this technology is actually use it to share their experiences.

46:47 - We hear this all the time: ‘we just want people to donate all their data to us so we could create something interesting.’ What I think is more interesting would be to involve people in the discovery of data itself. Once you have this data, how can you feed back this information to the users who are generating it so it can be more useful?

47:58 - We know that the act of data collection in itself is a mechanism to change their behavior. You give someone a pedometer, they’re going to take more steps, it happens time and time again.

49:28 - I think that’s what it all comes down to - how can people understand and tell the story of their life? In some cases people want to improve, and sometimes people just want to understand, and some people just want to share what’s going on.

Sources and Methods #6: Elliot Ackerman


Show Notes:

[Recorded in Iraq]

2:55 - Alex's blogpost on note-taking [Note-Taking Jujitsu, Or How I Make Sense Of What I Read]

10:13 - I started working on my first book within days of leaving the military.

11:08 - Writing journalism used to be far more common, as a fiction writer. It’s an older model, but for me it’s always felt very natural.

Example: Graham Greene’s Quiet American.

Idea: When I’m starting a novel: It’s like I’m standing in a field of very very dry grass, and I’m trying to start a fire. And what I’ve gone in my hands are two flints, and I’m banging them together as hard as I can trying to make sparks. The flints are something I’ve seen, something I’ve experienced, and the fire is all imagination.

13:24 - The key to being a writer is to write. Every day. No matter what.

14:21 - Each idea often needs a bespoke process for how you’re going to approach that idea.

15:30 - I take umbrage with the rigid definition of ‘fiction writer vs. non-fiction writer.’ These are totally artificial definitions. Even when the subject matter is completely disassociated from the author, the emotional truths there are frequently real to that person’s life. I think of myself as a writer, and when I see subjects I want to approach, I’ll decide how I want to approach it: essay form, long-form, article, etc.

16:45 - Discussing the use of emotional experiences in writing, an excerpt from Elliot’s article published in the Daily Beast here which used one experience as a foundation for a long article:

The Fourth War: My Lunch with a Jihadi

For a moment we sat, three veterans from three different sides of a war that had no end in sight. Not the Syrian Civil War, or the Iraq War, but a larger regional conflict. Amidst all this, Abu Hassar had hit on a unifying thread between us: friendships borne out of conflict, the strongest we’d ever had. I think that’s why I’d sought out Abu Hassar, to see if that thread existed among two people who’d fought against each other. And, for the first time, I wondered why Abu Hassar had agreed to meet with me, a so-called journalist he knew nothing about, except that I was American and had spent some time in Iraq. Maybe he, like me, had become tired of learning the ways we were different. Maybe he wished to learn some of the ways we were the same.

I agreed and Abed began to explain to Abu Hassar that I’d been a Captain in the Marines and had fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. I watched them intently, not understanding their quick Arabic. Abu Hassar began to slowly nod and his gaze moved from Abed to me. Then, once Abed was done, he picked up the water that had been set on the table. He poured a full glass in front of him, emptying his bottle. He handed it to me.

“A Captain,” he said. “So we were both like the handles of the spear.”

I nodded.

18:38 - A poem Elliot loves from the First World War that discusses the power of an emotional experience:

An Irish Airman Foresees His Death

19:30 - Fighting is a very intimate experience. You ask yourself - who were these people that defined me? And did I define them? The seeking is very natural.

23:54 - There’s a shared humanity that we had. Combat is a very human and visceral thing - you’re fighting to keep your friends safe, and yourself safe. He [Abu Hassar] had had those experiences, and I had had those experiences. It’s disorienting to come home and realize that you may have more in common with your adversary after having been through all this than you do with the people at home.

25:12 - The World War I Christmas Truce

25:48 - To talk politics for a second, I think it’s very dangerous to classify your enemy as irrational. That’s a pretty big hedge. If you look through the history of warfare and conflict, many of these people are rational. Now they might be looking at the world through a very very different framework than you are, and that gives them the semblance of being irrational, but if you just throw the baby out with the bathwater and say these people are completely irrational, you will probably have a difficult time formulating a strategy that effective against your adversary.

26:44 - My writing process often starts with an idea, and a first sentence. It will literally be one sentence. I’ll be walking around with it for awhile in my back pocket. And then it’ll be like I’m on the high dive - and the first sentence is you start moving on the board a little bit. And you put it down.

For me, I keep banker's hours about it. I have a word count I do every day. And I really try not to judge what I’m writing as I’m writing it. I’ll let the whole idea play out, and then the revisions begin.

28:02 - Green on Blue, told from the perspective of a young Afghan soldier who kills an American. Started with one sentence.

29:02 - It’s famously been said: writing is rewriting. But you have to start, and you have to keep going, and you have to get to the end.

30:57 - It’s important to disambiguate your business from your writing.

33:26 - In the novel, I wanted to take an action that at face value would seem like the most deceptive action we can see - when Afghan soldiers trained by Americans shoot one of their American advisors in the back, and I wanted to peel that back in a novel, and show the journey someone would take who would do this. So when the action is taking place, not only can you understand it, you find yourself thinking I would’ve do the exact same thing.

34:38 - Anytime you write anything, you’re trying to create an emotional connection to the reader.

35:56 - The fiction I enjoy isn’t prescriptive, it’s portraiture. It’s giving someone a real sense of a landscape and moral topography so they can decide what they think about that world.

37:06 - [on good fiction] It’s something that elicits an emotional or intellectual response in the reader.

38:28 - The Sound And The Fury: it’s not something everybody gets the first time they read it.

39:39 - Some of the greatest books are books people hate, and they create really interesting conversations. Read The Confessions of Nat Turner by William Styron, it’s about a slave-rebellion in the Virginia Tidewater area. Hugely controversial when it came out, but it’s a great book.

40:22 - I don’t know if there’s a criteria by which someone can judge fiction writing. Frankly, it’s one of the things I kind of like about it.

41:27 - I think it’s a fiction that there are ‘fiction gods’ (that you have to appease to publish). I think there’s a rough justice, but if something’s good, it’ll get picked up. There’s a sense that there’s an us vs. them, writers vs. publishers, but I’ve never found that to be true.

42:30 - If you’re a writer, you better strap on your rejection pants and get ready for it. That’s part of any artistic form - rejection. Lots of rejection. Great writers are rejected all the time. Established writers are rejected all the time. Again, divorce the business from the art.

On picking the next book: I find myself reading a lot on issues outside my world (not reading on Iraq or Afghanistan). I’m reading Love Me Back right now, it’s a coming-of-age story, and it’s amazing, gritty and powerful. So while I don’t have a specific process, I do make sure I’m always reading.

46:57 - Elliot on Twitter

47:30 - Reading international newspapers definitely gives a different perspective, and I would encourage everyone to do it. Where you can, it’s good to triangulate your news sources.

49:30 - On his writing process: I don’t leave where I am until I hit my daily word count, usually 1,500 words. And the evening is dedicated to reading. I’m often taking notes in the margins of things I’m reading and frequently go back to those things. And I’m very disciplined about writing ideas down - get it down, in a notebook or in the notes page in my iphone. I hate saying this because I’m the guy who was a Marine, but discipline goes a long way. When something comes in your mind, write it down. Take the time and do it. It’s amazing what you build if you crack at it every single day.

53:22 - Advice to aspiring fiction writers:

I think one thing I maybe did right early on - I suspended belief in a lot of ways. I said I’m just going to do this, and I don’t know where this is going to go, but I’m going to keep doing it. If you try to conceptualize an entire book, or think about a timeline or selling it - you just need to start. You need to enjoy it as much as you can - it may not always be enjoyable, but do it. And you have to be brave. I think it takes a lot of courage to write. I really do. And I don’t say that in a pollyannaish way. People are going to read your ideas and tell you whether or not they like them. People will say they don’t like it.

55:56 - On rejection, Norman Mailer’s The Naked and the Dead was rejected 25 times before it got published and then it was on the New York Times best sellers list for something like 60 weeks.

56:26 - Also, go find other writers. Tap into a community. If you’re going to be writing fiction, you need to be a good literary citizen.

58:45 - Faulkner has a great quote: The only thing worth writing about is the human heart is conflict with itself.

59:47 - I wouldn't necessarily encourage everyone to write. You have to want it. If it moves you. Not everyone should be a writer - or a banker or a doctor. I feel a compulsion to write. Even if my books were not coming out, I would still write. It's how I think. It's how I process events. It's how I distill meaning from the events in my life.

1:01:32 - I think it's dangerous to ascribe the value of your art to some end.

1:02:12 - I think if you're a writer, you need to publish.

Elliot's book: Andre Malraux’s Man's Fate

Elliot's film: The Seventh Seal by Ingmar Bergman.

Matt's book: This week, reading Dataclysm by Christian Rudder

Sources and Methods #5: Mark Bernstein


Show Notes:

Mark Bernstein - official website

Tinderbox - Official Website

Tinderbox App Review on App Storm

“software for handling pieces of information, handling notes, and getting meaning out of them.”


2:08 - The Tinderbox Way by Mark Bernstein


From Chapter One:

"Tinderbox is designed to help you write things down, find them, think about them, and share them. Tinderbox is an assistant. Its meant to help, to facilitate. Its not a methodology or a code. Its a way to write things down, link them up, and share them. Its a chisel, guided by your hand and your intelligence."

4:01 - Idea: We actually spend relatively little time thinking about how these machines can refine our ideas, or capture our ideas, before they slip away… We really need to work harder to make capturing ideas and recording ideas a bit easier.

7:22 - Idea: Incremental Formalization

8:54 - Idea: Discovering the structure information should take is the essence of what research is about.

13:14 - Idea: Agile software development has come into force more recently, rather than structuring all the rules first. Writing the software and then revising the software - where most of what you do is editing, rather than designing and debugging - has been extremely fruitful, and has gone in just 10-15 years gone from outlying heresy to the dominant paradigm of software development today.

15:08 - Idea: When you’re writing, you’re talking to yourself, or rather to the page. When you write, you are meeting minds on the screen, and in fact one of those minds is a manifestation of ourselves.

20:38 - Idea: People don’t like to think about their process of writing. We have this essentially romantic conception of idea generation writing, that it’s essentially inspiration, and it should come to you in a flash, and that it’s mystical, and that it’s based in someway on your innate goodness, and therefore people don’t spend much time thinking about how to improve because you can’t improve on your own innate goodness.

On Information Overload

30:32 - Too Much To Know by Ann Blair, explores information overload from the 9th through 12th centuries and the technologies evolved then to try to cope with having far more information coming in than anyone could keep track of.

We’ve been having information overload for a long time. The most important thing is not to forget that the information actually matters. Keeping your hands on as much information as you can handle, even if you may not retain every fact and every snippet and every relationship - actually seeing them and retaining them is absolutely indispensable.


I was brought up that books were shared and you shouldn’t write in them. But lots of people I know were brought up thinking that the whole point of reading was to promote dialogue and to have an argument with the author in the margins. They now go back and revisit their younger arguments and revisit the original text - and that is very valuable.

35:04 Commonplace Books

One of the habits of  intellectuals of the 18th century intellectuals was the Commonplace Book, writing down passages that you read that you wanted to remember. Both because that fixed it in your mind - simply the act of copying. And also because in a world where books were scarce, you weren’t just going to be able to order it from Amazon or go to the bookstore. I’ve been suggesting to people that this is not a bad model for remembering information you want to maintain and is a tremendously valuable practice.

36:11 - Getting Things Done by David Allen

"Taking the time for thoughtful reflection about what you want to do is tremendously valuable."

38:45 - A Book of One’s Own: People and Their Diaries by Thomas Mallon

"An extremely useful book about the power of daily writing, even for yourself. This will clarify what you are about."

41:20 - was an inspiration for Mark’s blog.

43:28 - The hyperlink has certainly changed the way we read and write.

Ebook vs. Book Discussion

"This discussion is seldom carried out in good faith. Most people in the argument are arguing about their emotional attachment to books. But this is not reading, this is book collecting."

47:41 - The Shallows: What The Internet Is Doing To Our Brains by Nicholas Carr

51:04 - Debate in the software community about intuitiveness. Mark’s blog post on the topic here.

"We valorize usability, or onboarding. The first use does the program demo, can we learn to use it right away. We have recently valorized extraordinary minimalism - programs stripped of all functionality so they are easy to use. But often we do need functionality, because we’ve got a lot to do."

Mark’s Book: Among Others by Jo Walton, Hugo Award Winning Book

Matt’s Book: Poor Economics by Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee

Mark’s Films:

How I Live Now


Alex’s Book: Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer

Mark’s Reflection Games - Narrativist Stories

Paul Czege

My Life With Master